it is what it is …

why now? what’s the point?

nothing better than getting a call (out of the blue, I might add) from someone you haven’t heard from in months. many months. last year, if we’re getting technical about it .. a call that isn’t particularly welcome, either. I mean, really .. if you’re going to cut me out of your life, then don’t call 6 months later to reiterate that you’ve made that choice and you’re happy with it. rubbing salt in the wounds and all that .. never good.


so exciting! we have friend who owns a horse that’s running in the Kentucky Derby!

The. Kentucky. Derby. That’s big doin’s around here.

We’ve known Pops for, like, ever… since college (and since I’m old .. that’s a long time ago 😉  ) Pops is one of 25 people that own a horse called Noble’s Promise, and he’s running in the 136th running of the Kentucky Derby. Tomorrow morning, we’re hustling the kids to school and making a mad dash to Churchill Downs to see Pops and catch a glimpse of thoroughbred greatness. I can’t wait!

I had no idea…

I learned something very important this weekend.

Evidently, 42 is old.

Ironically, this wasn’t a news flash from a precocious 8-year old or obnoxious teenager. This revelation came from a 50-something person who informed me that I’m not nearly as young as I think I am. Good to know, just a few days before my birthday.

Makes me wonder if I can be friends with a 20-something mom who has a son just a few years younger than my daughter. Our kids will be in school and (when they get older) youth group together. Am I so old that I’ll be known as “my friend” or “that lady” from church? Until Friday, I thought I could be a friend, but now I’m not so sure.

How old is too old to be someone’s friend?

I don’t get it.

I’m firmly convinced that there are people on this earth with the sole purpose of making other people’s lives miserable. And really, what is the point? To be right or in charge? To feel superior? Revenge? All of the above?

I volunteer with an organization that has a member who falls under the heading of “all of the above”. A highly anticipated announcement shared, met with a negatively toned email. I’m convinced that the person sent the email, just because she could. and just because she wasn’t involved with the process.

sour. grapes.

completely sucked the joy out of the announcement, too.


… is good for the soul.

I laughed harder last night than I have in a long time…. which is saying a lot, because my life is not without laughter.

Old friends, new friends .. life is good. 🙂

nothing sadder than …

a forgotten blog.

7+ months and no posting. ouch.

boycotting schools? really?

why you should be mad that some parents want to boycott public schools on September 8

RIP, John Hughes …

it’s the most wonderful time of the year ..

it’s pretty much o-v-e-r

summer, that is ..

2 weeks and counting. the calendar is quickly filling up with appointments, open houses, and various other activities .. the to-do list is getting longer by the second and I’ve finally come out of denial. It’s time. Time to dig out the school supply lists, fill out forms, choose first-day-of-school outfits, and enjoy every last second of the next 14 days. August 6 will be here before we know it.